“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead
Volunteers are the core of our existence…

The Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society (GMHS) volunteers are crucial to amplifying the efforts of GMHS’ professional staff. Community members across the Middle Peninsula contribute valuable resources – time, knowledge, talent, skills, and leadership – that further infuse GMHS with energy and passion in service of our mission to improve life for all animals by providing temporary shelter, compassionate care, community support and education.

Even a little time can make a big difference.

The GMHS needs volunteer help every day, and there are many ways to help the animals. Volunteers help with daily animal care; administrative tasks; laundry; photography; front desk; the gift shop; animal enrichment; events and much, more. Read on to learn more about how your unique skill set can save a life!
Volunteer Program
We are extremely fortunate to have a large group of talented volunteers who help with everything from dog walking and cat socializing to administrative duties. Our volunteers provide all the “extras” that we need to keep our animals happy and our shelter running.
Never afraid to roll up their sleeves and tackle a new task, the GMHS’ dedicated volunteers pitch in when and where they are needed most, sometimes at high-profile events and sometimes folding the mountains of laundry generated every day. Every task is important, and we sincerely appreciate every volunteer hour.
Volunteer Opportunities
How Do I Become A Volunteer?
Email volunteer@gmhumanesociety.org or call at 804-693-5520 ext 106 to learn more about volunteer opportunities and get involved.
Need hours for BETA, NHS or another high school group?
Contact the Community Coordinator at 804-693-5520 ext 106.
Not 16 yet?
Check out our Activity Book, full of ideas on ways you can still give back to your local shelter!
NOTE: We will ALWAYS accept new FOSTER volunteers! If you are interested in fostering, please email foster@gmhumanesociety.org.
Find out more about the volunteer foster program.